Our focus at Lincoln is on Personalized Learning where all learners get what they need, when they need it, and how they need it, without barriers. See our journey here.
- Piloted Personalized Learning (PL) 5 staff
- Changed classroom environment to create learner-centered spaces
- Visited sites in Charleston, SC & CESA #1 Schools to gather ideas and resources
- Started Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
- Explored elements of PL by other staff
- Started multi-aged classrooms (K-1,2-3,4-5)
- Shared the vision at the school launch party
- Offered parent PL listening sessions
- Provided direction by developing Phases of Implementation
- Introduction Must Do/May Do lists to build learner independence
- Initiated goal setting to develop learner ownership
- Implemented PL elements in the majority of classrooms
- Developed a comprehensive vision with the support of G&D Associates
- Onboarded new staff with 'PL Jam Sessions'
- Defined PL
- Furthered learner ownership by using data to set goals
- Partnered with two other School District of Janesville elementary schools to establish the PL3, furthering the impact of PL
- Implemented elements of PL by all staff
- Introduced peer feedback to promote learner voice
- Further work to collaborate PD with PL3 to collectively move forward this work
- Received grant with CESA #1 to work towards implementation efforts aligned to their Honeycomb
- Used stoplight reports for staff to monitor progress and establish next steps
- Implemented Access, Engage, Express framework to deepen the learning experience
- Committed to engaged and empowered learning practices as a district
- Partnering as a district with Discovery Ed to establish coaching structures to grow teacher capacity
- Implementing learner conferencing to build independence and provide feedback
- Aligning professional goals for staff around vision
- Embracing distributed leadership through ownership of deliverables aligned to the vision
- Partnered with Educational Epiphany for ELA and performance-based objectives
- Evaluated methods to measure non-cognitive skills
- Adopted Bridges math
- Enhanced distance learning opportunities
- Continued with performance-based objectives
- Created evidence-informed meeting times
Lincoln Elementary Where Greatness Begins!